Friday, June 29, 2018

Don’t even look sideways at him when he says.....

Our retirement travel plan was years in the making.  Anyone who knows Bill knows it consisted of intense research, comparisons, checklists, and to do’s...... for the past many years.

When it came down to the final preparations, we went through the house multiple times, trying to determine exactly what would be useful to us on the road, always keeping in mind every pound packed would end up reducing our MPG.  We chose an RV that had lots of weigh capacity, but still couldn’t bring everything.  At the same time, we wanted retirement to be more simple and carefree.

Bill spent tons of time determining just what tools he thought he would need.   And although he has drilled into me that you “need the right tool for the job”, I still humored him when he decided we could not travel without a ladder.  In all our RV’ing, I don’t remember ever using a ladder while on the road.  Besides, we bought a new unit to eliminate the problems that come with older units.  I tried to talk him into a 2 step kitchen ladder, lighter weight, smaller, easier to pack.  He listened to me.

But, prior to leaving, he could not leave without ANOTHER ladder!  This time a 6 foot ladder.  I thought he was nuts, giving him more than a few sideways glances,  But he would want to clean the roof of the RV, multiple times, while traveling and needed the bigger ladder  to get up there.  ok...... what’s a wife to do.

Well, once again, his “need the right tool for the job” came through loud and clear as he saved us time and aggravation alongside the highway when the awning flew open yesterday and as he continued to correct the issue today.

No more sideways glances at his nutty ideas from me again.

Written by Sandy


  1. Sounded like the ladder also needed a pop up umbrella on it. 😊

  2. Looks like he took lessons from Big Bill too!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Taught by one of the best. I am also putting dates on the back of my appliances with magic marker :-)
