Thursday, June 6, 2019

6/3/2019. Signal Mountain and Hidden Water Falls

Today we drove up to Signal Mountain.  It is one of the few locations in the Grand Tetons that has cell phone service.  It also has a cell phone tower with many cell phone antennas.  We made it to the top by 9:00 AM to beat the crowd.  From the top of the mountain you look out over a huge prairie that lies just under snow capped Mountains.  Gorgeous site and we recommend checking it out.  Pictures below.

After leaving Signal Mountain we drove over to Jenny Lake area where we stumbled on the trailhead for Hidden Water Falls.  The map said 2.2 miles.  We had our gear in the car and we had wanted to do a hike around Jenny Lake anyways so off we went.  Well 2.2 miles in and 2.2 miles out equals something like 6.5 country miles.  It was a great hike but we are exhausted.  The trail was rocky (glad we had our hiking boots).  The elevation is approximately 6800’ so it added to the challenge.  Of course I took a backpack which included (we are learning) :-)

  • Extra water
  • Lunch
  • Snacks
  • Medical kit
  • Res-Q-Link (in case we have to call in help)
  • Fleece
  • Rain Jacket and hat
  • Hiking Poles
  • Bug Spray
  • Oh and a first for us “Bear Spray”

Both the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone highly suggest, sell, rent that you carry Bear Spray and know how to use it.  Yup, makes me feel real comfortable :-)

Any how, I would do this hike again and will recommend you try it if you ever visit the Tetons.  My bear worry subsided when I realized how many other fools were also on this same trail.  I figured this evened out the odds that someone else would stumble onto a Bear before Sandy and I.  Pictures below.

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