If you have followed the blog you know that I had a run in with a curious Chipmunk that was trying to get into the COW. Well at least I thought it was a Chipmunk.
We moved campgrounds and you guessed it, the problem came with us.
I met our new neighbor at the new campground and I asked her if she has had problems with chipmunks or squirrels running across the roof of her RV at 5:30 AM. She said that she has heard them, but she thought it was BIRDs.
Sure enough the BIRDs get up at sunrise. They fly onto our roof, then proceed to hop and run back and forth from the front to the back of the COW. The COWs roof is fiberglass so it sounds like they are running down the center of our tile floors inside the cow.
Of course Sandy sleeps through it, but I am wide awake.
Well, on the positive side I won’t have to use the rat and mouse traps I purchased.
Update: We have again moved. Currently we are in Portland, Oregon.
So far we have not been bothered by the pesky birds as the seem to have stayed on the other side of the state.
So it might have not been Alvin? Those dang birds, we know what else they do on windows and such. I know what you mean Bill, Dave would be the one sound a sleep while I was wide awake