Sunday, June 16, 2019

6/16/2019. Oregon Trail and Wild Mustangs.

Yesterday we traveled to the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center.  While there:

  • We watched a horse trainer work with two captured wild Mustangs.  These mustangs were captured about a year ago and are up for adoption for $125 ea.  At this point they are used to:
      • Being fed
      • People and dogs
      • Corral
      • Riding in a horse trailer
    • They are not used to:
      • Being ridden
      • Being around children
    • To get to this next level they require more training with a Horse Trainer and then they can be adopted for approximately $900.  They are typically a couple years old when they are adopted.
  • Hiked 3 miles down to the actual Oregon Trail to see the ruts that the wagons left years ago in the prairie.
  • Toured the museum which took longer than we thought (2 to 3 hours).  Very informative.

The positive thing is that Sandy and I seem to be getting used to hiking in 4000’ elevation.

Picture attached.

1 comment:

  1. Wild mustangs!! Incredible..... Your travel planner expertise needs to be taken out for ice cream or something else good.
    You both are lookin good and look ready for more incredible adventures!
