In Iowa for factory service on our coach, we were just 50 minutes from the Minnesota border. Another state so close, we had to go and occupy another day of waiting. So we found the nearest Minnesota state park (Myre Big Island State Park) to spend some time. It had a lake, so number one of the famed 10,000 lakes in the state.... check..., and we spent some time hiking a trail on the cold blustery day. Very windy in this part of the country. How many more of their 10,000 lakes will we cover? Only time will tell.
No this is not us in the photo.
Iowa on this trip is not as I remembered from previous drives of endless cornfields, always trying to get somewhere else. Driving through Iowa in the spring, seeing plowed fields and still unplowed fields, with no tall corn stalks blocking our view, it is a beautiful sight seeing the miles and miles of farm fields. Evidence of mini lakes in the fields from the near endless rains this year adds to the beauty of the area. In the high seats of the coach and our no rush travel, we can embrace the views the Midwest offers. We listened to the Blue Stars drum and bugle corp practicing their music for the upcoming season at the local university in Forest City while playing pickleball on a nearby court in town. If we come through this area again, we might consider getting advance tickets to the Treetown country music festival held on Memorial Day weekend each year which brings hundreds of rv’ers and international travelers to the event.
As I write this, we are on the move again, heading across Rt 90 in Minnesota toward Sioux Falls, SD. We are glad it’s sunny and the winds have died down for travel, as it makes for an interesting drive when windy and trying to keep the coach in our lane. Lots of wind farms across northern Iowa and southern Minnesota.
Sandy, your a good writer. I am looking forward to your book when you have traveled all 50 states with the COW