Friday, November 30, 2018

11/30/2018. Devilish Squirrels

We are camped at Fontainebleau State Park in Mandeville, Louisiana (just outside of New Orleans).  It is a beautiful state park with very high Coniferous trees (similar to pines).  Well in these trees lives a family of 10 or so young squirrels.  I am beginning to think that the top of the COW has a big target on it similar to that used in Darts.  These devilish young squirrels are carrying acorns up to the top of the trees and dropping them on to the top of the COW at all times day and night.  It’s as if they are teenagers at a bar throwing darts except the board is the top of the COW.  They drop the acorns from about 80’ up, then “BANG” the acorn hits the roof and rolls down and off the side.  I will give them credit as they are equal opportunity pests as also I heard them hit the camper next to me which then bounced off and hit his pickup truck with a clunk.  I wonder does auto insurance also cover acorn dents similar to that of hail damage? :-)

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