Monday, February 4, 2019

2/4/19. Pickle Ball injury

Since arriving here in sunny Florida Sandy and I have taken up Pickle Ball.  This game is a combination of Racquet Ball, Ping-pong, and Tennis.  It is played on a court that is roughly 1/4 the size of a regulation Tennis Court.  It requires some running around, but the more I play it the more I realize it requires, quick thinking, quick reaction time, some quick movements, and more strategy with ball control.  It is a huge thing at the Cypress Trail Campground in that it is played Monday through Saturday beginning at 8:00 AM and 30 to 40 people show up each morning.  

Well much to my chagrin, this morning I was playing with two 70+ year olds and one other.  I served the ball from the back court and my opponent dinked (technical name for bopping it just over the net :-)) it over the net into the kitchen (another technical name for the Out of bound in the front court :-)) so I leaped into action doing a fast run to the net and tore the muscles on the back of my calf.  I can’t believe it.  After all these years of football, track, racquetball, snow and water skiing etc... etc... I rip my calf muscle playing a game called pickle ball against some 70 year olds.  I have never ripped a calf muscle before.  

Now I am hobbling around and probably nursing this thing for the next couple of weeks.  Unbelievable!!!

I just have to laugh. I still like to play sports like an 18 year old, but this body hasn’t caught up to my way of thinking


Maybe my thinking hasn’t caught up to my 61 year old body yet!!  :-)


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