Sunday, March 22, 2020

3/21/2020 Trip/Plans Cancelled

Due to the Corona Virus Sandy and I decided to cancel our trip/plans for the next 6 months and headed back home.  It took a 4 day drive from Tucson Arizona, but we are home.

We will quarantine ourselves for the next 2 weeks to make sure we didn’t pick-up the virus on our way home.  We would not want to pass along the virus to our neighbors.

I suspect that after the 2 week quarantine we will remain isolated as suggested by our governor.


We hope to be back on the road in November.


  1. Glad to hear you guys are safe - I knew you'd be responsible :-)

  2. Hi RV Buds, Glad you got back safe & sound. Take Care and we'll on the road and hopefully will run into you, only if I'm driving! M&D
