As Sandy and I headed West along Rt 90 we laughed at the “Wall Drug” signs on the side of the road recalling that when we traveled out west with our kids back in 2002 we stopped at the infamous Wall Drug and found it to be the biggest tourist trap we had ever seen (especially if you have young girls in tow).
Much to our surprise our campground is walking distance from Wall Drug. Yes, we walked through the town of Wall and checked out Wall Drug. I think it has grown. It has even more chatchkeys (Tourist Beware). The only thing we bought was a donut and cup of coffee
Although the weather turned ugly (cold, rain, rain, and more rain) we did accept the challenge. I guess this is one of the reasons they call it “The Badlands” (my opinion) We hiked in the rain on muddy trails to get some of the attached pictures. I will say the Badlands is worth the stop (skip Wall Drugs) and that I am surprised at how well the pictures turned out.
We also toured a Titan 2 Missile silo, visitor center, and launch site. Who knew that right along side of Rt 90 were 1.2 Megaton Nuclear Missiles aimed at Russia. These Silo were buried in the prairie’s and the launch sites were disguised as ranch houses. They were only unarmed in the 1990’s and are now part of the park system.