Thursday, September 8, 2022

9/8/2022 It’s all about spam

As a kid in the 60s we ate fried baloney and if lucky Spam. It was great fried with eggs on campouts  

I am a big fan of spam that I am😂,Sandy doesn’t seem to share the taste for such a delicacy😉

Anyhow while here in Iowa I discovered that just across the border in downtown Arlington Minnesota there exists the one and only “SPAM MUSEUM” and I was successful in convincing my beautiful wife to go with me. She can now say she has officially been spammed!

Did you know there are multiple flavors?  Or that it is sold worldwide? Or that the state of Hawaii is the largest consumer of spam in the United States?  You do now!

The museum is free and they give you samples. Yumm!  They also have a store that sells everything spam. We (at least I) enjoyed the visit. Its an hour stop in a nice older downtown. Here are some pictures