Thursday, August 4, 2016

8/4/2016. This is my first post on our new Travel Blog.
This is a picture of our sleeping quarters while attending our first ESCAPEES event in Vermont

8/6/2016. I would highly recommend to people interested in getting into RVing for the first time or back into it again that they consider going to an ESCAPEEs ESCAPADE event.  We had done RVing 11 years ago for 4 years, yet I still took 17 pages of notes during the week of seminars.  A lot of changes and good refresher in the last 11 years.  It also helped Sandy and I to talk to people about what RV unit they feel is the best for full-timing.  That is one of our biggest questions.  After lots of reading (books, blogs, Internet), going to RV shows, and going to dealers, we are focusing on a 36' to 40' Winnebago or Tiffin Class A